Arranged by Lari Goss
In the Christmas card market, use of the phrase ‘Merry Christmas’ is diminishing, and phrases such as ‘Happy Holidays’ and ‘Season’s Greetings’ are on the rise. Realizing that the true meaning of Christmas is being diluted more each year by the influences of secularism and commercialism, Jesus The Heart of Christmas weaves warm narrations, wonderful new Lanny Wolfe songs, and heartfelt Lari Goss orchestrations into a Christmas tapestry that will cause listeners to fall in love all over again with Jesus who is the very heart of Christmas.
An optional drama set in the mall at 5 p.m. on Christmas Eve punctuates the thrust of the musical theme of ‘keeping Christ in Christmas.’
Limit: One Per Church Please
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Copyright © 2022 Paradigm Music Productions, Inc.